Rising UK Crime Rates

In recent years, the UK has seen a surge in crime rates, with knife crime, robbery, and burglary all on the rise. This increase in criminal activity has made some cities more dangerous than others, and residents must be vigilant to stay safe. In order to stay safe in the UK, be sure to keep an eye on your belongings in crowded areas, avoid walking alone at night, and be aware of your surroundings at all times. By taking simple precautions, you can minimize your risk of becoming a victim of crime.

6 UK Cities With High Crime

The UK no longer has the best reputation when it comes to safety. Despite being one of the most developed countries in the world, it also has some of the most dangerous cities. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the six most dangerous cities in the UK, according to recent statistics. We’ll also explore what makes these places so dangerous and what you can do to protect yourself.


Despite being one of the largest cities in the United Kingdom, Birmingham has been voted the one of the most unsafe cities in the country, with 42% of locals feeling at risk, regardless of whether it is day or night. The report from last year indicated that violent crime had increased by 21% in just a single year. In response to this news, the city council has taken a number of steps to improve safety, including increasing CCTV coverage and hiring additional police officers. However, some residents feel that more needs to be done.

One of the easiest ways to protect your home or business is through security guards. We have established ourselves in Birmingham as one of the leading security guard companies with services ranging from residential protection to retail store security.

If you’re in Birmingham and are looking for security guards or security services in general check us out here. We have a multitude of options to protect you and your family.


Bradford is regularly cited as one of the most dangerous cities in the United Kingdom. The city has a long history of gang violence, and in recent years the number of violent crimes has been on the rise.

In addition, Bradford has high rates of knife crime, drug use, and poverty. These factors all contribute to an environment where crime is commonplace. As a result, residents of Bradford often feel unsafe in their own homes and are reluctant to venture out into the community especially in the later hours of the day.

According to a recent study, Bradford is one of the most dangerous cities in the UK. This is especially true for those who live alone or in areas near gang hangouts.

If you live in Bradford, our security guards can quickly provide an extra layer of protection. They can deter criminals and help to keep your property or business safe 24/7. Check out the services we offer in Bradford and protect what matters most today.


Middlesbrough has on multiple occasions been voted the most dangerous city in the UK. In 2015, there were more than 1,200 reported violent crimes in the city, and the rate of violent crime has been increasing steadily in recent years. What’s more, Middlesbrough also has a high rate of firearm crime. In 2016, there were 27 firearms offenses reported per 100,000 people, which is nearly double the national average.

These statistics are alarming, and they show that Middlesbrough is a city that is plagued by violence including gang violence. This is having a serious impact on the lives of residents, and it is making Middlesbrough a very dangerous place to live.

To help residents and businesses protect themselves we offer professional security guards who can offer their services 24/7. Contact us today and check out the services we offer in Middlesbrough.


Liverpool is one of the most dangerous cities in the United Kingdom, with a crime rate that is significantly higher than the national average. In particular, the city has a problem with violent crime, with reports of knife crime and other assaults increasing in recent years. Additionally, the city has a large gang problem, with many young people being drawn into a life of crime. As a result, it is not surprising that Liverpool is regarded as an unsafe city to live in. 

However, it is important to remember that Liverpool is also home to many law-abiding citizens who are working hard to make the city a safer place to live. If you live in Liverpool, read about some of the security services we offer and protect yourself today. We have established ourselves in Liverpool and one of the highest rated security companies in the region with over 20 years experience.


Despite its rich history and vibrant culture, Manchester is one of the most unsafe cities to live in. Police report more than 200,000 crimes a year and the crime rate in Manchester is significantly higher than the national average. In addition, there are over 175 gangs in Manchester as well as a high rate of homelessness and drug abuse, which makes it a dangerous place to live and work. There are also several areas of Manchester that are considered to be gang territories and unsafe to walk in, even during the day.

To help with the surging crime in Manchester we offer a range of services and security solutions to help protect citizens 24/7. To know about our Manchester Security services check out our Manchester security services here.


Glasgow is the most populated area in Scotland, with over 600,000 people. Unfortunately, Glasgow is also one of the most dangerous cities in the UK. In 2017, there were 1,265 reported cases of violent crime in Glasgow. This is a rate of 21.2 per 100,000 people, which is nearly double the national average. What’s more, Glasgow also has a high rate of knife crime. In 2017, there were 222 reported incidents of knife crime in the city. This is a rate of 3.7 per 100,000 people, which is one of the highest rates in the UK and is still increasing.

There are several reasons why Glasgow is such a dangerous city. First, there is a high level of poverty and deprivation in Glasgow. Second, the city has a large underclass of young people who are unemployed and disconnected from society. Finally, Glasgow has a long history of gang violence. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of organized gangs operating in the city. These gangs are involved in drug dealing, human trafficking, and other criminal activities. As a result of all these factors, Glasgow is one of the most dangerous cities to live in.

If you’re seeking extra security for you or your family look no further than Angleside Security. We have worked in Glasgow and throughout Scotland for over the last 20 years and have built a firm reputation as one of the top security companies in the region. Our security services in Scotland include everything from residential protection to manned guarding for events, stores and businesses.

Protect Yourself Today

The United Kingdom is often considered a stable, first-world country. However, in recent years there has been a rapid increase in crime, particularly in the cities of London, Manchester and Birmingham. This rise in crime has made many residents feel unsafe in their own homes and neighbourhoods. If you live in one of these areas and are looking for a way to feel more safe, then contact Angleside Security. 

Our guards are professional and come with years of experience. They will patrol your neighbourhood and keep an eye out for any suspicious activity. In addition, they can provide you with peace of mind knowing that someone is looking out for your safety. Contact us today to find out more about our services and how we can help keep you safe or alternatively fill out the form below and one of our team will contact you back shortly.

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